Tuesday, January 29, 2019

There's no better team - Catamarca

There's no better team than Elder Bingham and I, I tell you what. We've been working dang hard out here in Catamarca, especially because chances are that I'll get transferred out next transfer, so I probably have two weeks to leave any mark I'm going to leave in this place. Gotta stay on that grind.

I just want to share a short experience from this week that was really special to me, and is hard evidence that the church is true. Because it is.

A little while ago, we were walking down a street, and we saw a recent convert in front of a food service building, so we said hi. When we walked up, the service ladies inside invited us in for mate and to share a message. It was awesome, we talked, most were super duper Catholic, but one woman wasn't very religious and had a ton of questions that we answered as best we could, and we set another return appointment. Went back another day, and taught them about the Restoration, and the Book of Mormon. We could see she was a little skeptical about Joseph Smith seeing Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, but she was really intrigued by the Book of Mormon. We asked her to read it and pray, and told her she would receive an answer about our church. She said that she didn't think she would, but she would try. 

When we went back the next time, she sat outside with us, and told us that the other ladies were saying bad stuff about our church. We asked her if she read and she said that she read what we told her to, but it was boring. 


BUT THEN. She said that she started reading a different part of the Book, specifically the Introduction. She said she prayed and felt a feeling that she couldn't describe, but she felt really calm and peaceful about all of it, and that she wanted to learn even more. She also told us that she liked what we taught and that she WANTS TO JOIN OUR CHURCH. We need to finish teaching her everything and have her come to church, but I feel like this story shows the true power that the Book of Mormon has. Its the truth, man. Sometimes we take the scriptures for granted, SO DON'T! READ YOUR SCRIPTURES, PEOPLE!!! Seriously you'll receive so many blessings, including an answer like Alejandra if you need it. 

Love you all, the church is true, the book is blue. 

Get dunked on,
Elder Jenkins

PS I tried sending a ton of awesome pictures of my adventures in making some Donut Balls, but they might have to wait. but in the meantime you have the end result.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Come with me, the time is right - Catamarca

Catamarca is the best. This week has been great, we've seen a lot of small miracles. 

We've started visiting with a couple that has a little daughter, the dad is an inactive member, but his girlfriend isn't a member, but she wants to get married then baptized so bad. Which is really convenient, because since my companion Elder Bingham was the mission secretary, he knows all about the paperwork for everything, so we've been able to help them make steps towards those goals.

This Sunday in church, a new face showed up and just straight up said that he's investigating the church and wants us to visit him. He lives in our area and we visited him yesterday, and he has so much faith. He told us about family members that were members, and how the Gospel gave them peace in hard times. He wanted the same peace and to help his family have it too. What a guy. 

Not too much to say this week, but everything is going great! Pics this week include:
Nice sunset
Me riding a motorcycle
Eating Shawarma with Elder Bingham to celebrate another successful week
Playing Heart and Soul on piano with Elder Campbell for way too long

Hope you all have a great week, remember that God loves you and you can show your love for Him by doing the small things He asks of us! The Book of Mormon is true! Love you guys!

"Big, big, big, big, water,"
Elder Jenkins

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

To claim my rightful place - Catamarca


First off, we had another zone conference in Córdoba, which means another 2 nights in a row sleeping on a bus for 5.5 hours! It was really fun though. I loved escaping the heat of Catamarca for a little while! The conference was great, President Correa got us all really hyped to have a great year working hard. Also, since Elder Farfal is working in the office, I got to see him again! It was weird to be with him, but with a new companion as well! 

Also in Córdoba, after the conference, we got to go to the temple! It was my first time actually being able to attend since the other times I´ve been in Córdoba it was either closed or we didn't have enough time. Let me just tell you guys, if you are able to go to a temple near you, just do it. Temples are the absolute greatest, I felt the Spirit so strongly, it was exactly what I needed to start the year off right. All you peeps, especially those in Utah, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!

I picked up some nice Christmas cards in Córdoba too, I especially loved the notes from the Primary kids of my ward! Thanks you guys!

The absolute highlight of the week was the baptism of Carolina! It was such a wonderful experience. I can really see the effect that the Gospel has had on her life. She is the first person to be baptized that I started teaching. It's been so cool to watch her progress each lesson from when we started teaching. I know that the Lord has been able to confirm her testimony that this is His true church on the earth. I know that as well. The Church that Jesus established when He was on the Earth really is restored and we can all benefit from it's message!!!

You are all wonderful, God loves each and every one of you. 

"The phone, the phone is ringing"
Elder Jenkins

(PS If you're looking for a nice tune this week, and you enjoyed starting the year with Me and Michael, check out I'm A Believer by Hot Dad. One of the best covers of all time.)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I will battle every day - Catamarca

Wow what a week.


Saying bye to Elder Farfal, he's been an awesome trainer, but I'll see him a lot these next 6 months since he'll be in the mission office.
I ran out of toothpaste, so I bought some new toothpaste, but the lack of minty freshness is disheartening to say the least.


Elder Bingham! He just ended his time as the mission secretary in the mission office, and now he's out in Catamarca with me! We've had a lot of great success working together, and we get along really great. We've been contacting in a lot of new parts of our area, and we have found some great people. One street in particular really made me feel the Spirit when everyone was so interested in what we had to say, and our message, and gringo-ness, that we were just sitting on the curb talking about the Gospel and prayer, with about 15 people gathered around listening, aging from 2 to 8 to teenagers to adults to old men. It was so cool to see all these people and how all of them are able to benefit from the message of the Gospel of Christ.

We've been listening to a lot of Conference and BYU talks by different apostles, and I liked a few in particular that talked about doing the little things, and the Book of Mormon. Henry B. Eyring talked about how if we are able to enhance our efforts in the little things (scripture study, prayer, etc.) we will be blessed. Not only should we, but we need to improve in those areas in this changing world. Dallin H. Oaks talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon, and why it's important. We need to recognize/remember that the Book of Mormon's purpose is to testify of Christ. It really is "Another Testament of Jesus Christ." It's awesome. Everyone please make an effort to read the Book of Mormon every day.

We had to move a baptism date back a week so we could fit in everything we needed to teach her, but she passed the pre-baptismal interview and is way excited!

This week has been great, I'm excited for more time and work with Elder Bingham in Catamarca, hopefully with some days where the whole world doesn't feel like it's on fire. Loves.

"I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear!"
Elder Jenkins