Tuesday, May 28, 2019

nueve meses - Dean Funes

Well shoot. I have 9 months in the mission as of today, which absolutely flew by. Like seriously, holy cow. Freaks me out.

This week was good, We got to spend some time in Cruz del Eje, which is a bit prettier than Dean Funes. We did exchanges with them, which I always love. I've noticed its one of the things that most gets me hyped to work. Gives me the fire again. 

Lots of teaching and finding people, but not too much more to tell out of the ordinary. A lady that we started teaching told me that she had a dream about me a couple nights before, so thats cool.

Remember that God loves you and wants you to succeed, so if you follow what he says, you'll have the success that He's ready to give you. Trust in the Lord! We had a good district meeting where we talked about how we can't stop the chaos in our lives or in the mission, but we CAN control the way we handle and organize the chaos into a higher system of order. Really interesting, and helped me a lot.

Love you all, have a great week!

Elder Jenkins
Recipe for a great morning treat: Malta, Nesquik, Powder milk, and sugar (and hot water)

 trains of Dean Funes

Bridge in Cruz del Eje

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Alien Days - Dean Funes

This week we went to Capilla del Monte for a good zone conference. Transfers were last week so we got to get to know the new elders, including two new elders, both from Argentina. 

Its finally cold enough that I need to walk in a jacket all the time, makes me really happy because I haven't had winter since like a year ago, because I had two summers back to back. 

Spiritual Thought: I got to give the Sunday School lesson this Sunday about Ven, Sígueme, (Come, Follow Me) and I gave it about the young rich man, and it was cool because I was able to use a lot of what I learned about that parable in the book Jesus the Christ that I'm reading. My favorite part of that story is the question the man asks, "What lack I yet?" I think a lot of us see ourselves as obedient to the commandments, like "yeah I don't kill or commit adultery, I honor my mom and dad, I go to church" and we leave it at that, without asking what more we can do. We should analyze our lives, and ask God "What lack I yet?" or "What more can I do?" or "What can I improve?" When we show God that we want to be better to serve Him and His children, He will give us those opportunities, but we need to be sure that we are ready to obey with the opportunity and answer given to us. The young rich man was sad and unsure after hearing that he needed to sell his belongings. We need to be ready to act on the answer we receive to "What lack I yet?" President Henry B. Eyring  said, 

"Ponder deeply and diligently in the scriptures and in the words of living prophets. Persist in prayer for the Holy Ghost to reveal to you the nature of God the Father and His Beloved Son. Plead that the Spirit will show you what the Lord wants you to do. Plan to do it. Promise Him to obey. Act with determination until you have done what He asked. And then pray to give thanks for the opportunity to serve and to know what you might do next."

The attitude that President Eyring shows in this talk is how we will truly receive the blessings from asking "What lack I yet." 

You guys are great, have a good week, kachow

Elder Jenkins
Capilla del Monte supposedly has lots of alien sightings, so there's a ton of alien stuff everywhere.

Me with the Dean Funes logo

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sick Deans Funes

Dean Funes is a great area, and I feel like a scrub because I've never called it "Sick Deans Funes" before. what a shame. Better start now.

This week was pretty uneventful, but I realized one of the best feelings of the mission is watching people progress. E's grandma told us that since his baptism, he's been getting up in the night to get water really late at night, and she wakes up and asks him why he's still awake, and he responds that he's reading the Book of Mormon. So so awesome. 

Also, we visited a family this week, who when I came here was kinda stuck when it comes to the Gospel. They weren't concerned about getting sealed or going to the temple, or the priesthood, and they went to church every once in a while. Now, they've progressed so much that the dad is working so hard and studying to get the priesthood, with the temple as the goal, and the mom shared her testimony about how she knows this is the true church, and one of the daughters always says she wants to serve a mission. 

Watching that sort of progress gives me the best feeling as a missionary, and I think that's how our Heavenly Father feels also. When He watches us progress and make the necessary changes in our lives to follow His commandments and improve, He feels like a proud father. 

Hope you have a good week

Elder Jenkins
pic of us eating milanesa sandwiches in the church because i have nothing else to show you

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May the Fourth - Dean Funes

I have so much time to write this week and absolutely nothing to tell you all about, so I'll give you all a quick story and spiritual thought:

Sunday, went to church, all good. Normally we prepare the sacrament, one tray of bread, one of water, and we always end up with half the water cups left over because not many people come to church here. We got it all set up, and were sitting at the sacrament table as the meeting started and more and more people started to show up. Eventually the room was filled up, and they started setting up more chairs. I quickly did the math of how many sacrament cups we had, and counted the people in church, and realized that we didn't have enough water cups for everyone. I smiled as I had to slip out to prepare another tray. I never would have thought that in this area we would have so many people in church. It was a blessing for sure, and the testimonies afterwards were very powerful and full of gratitude.

With the sacrament on my mind, I started thinking about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and it hit me really hard how much love He has for us. Think about it. The most powerful and perfect being to walk on this earth, the literal Son of God, suffered, bled, and died so that when all is said and done, He'll have the chance to be with you again. All that, so that you have the opportunity to live with our Heavenly Father and your family happily forever. All that so that you can be freed from sin. He went through all that pain so that when you feel tired, stressed, sad, frustrated, or any other kind of suffering, you can know that there is someone who loves you. Someone who loves you enough to give His life for you. And that someone is the most important individual this world has ever known. It's insane and I'm so grateful for the love Christ and our Heavenly Father have for us. I know that they live and love us, and I share that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I hope you all have a great week, check out our great May the Fourth pics.

Elder Jenkins

May the 4th Be With You - Dean Funes

May the Fourth be with you. we bought super cheap custom mugs to celebrate. 

We're drinking mate cocido, not tea, Palabra de Sabiduría, check it.

Red 5, standing by.

Darth Miliotto

Dean Funes Pension

Dean Funes Pension