Wednesday, October 30, 2019

elections - Cosquin


Good week this week. We had lots of chances to work with the branch. That's been more or less our main function here in Cosqu铆n. We helped invite and work on branch activities, and we're getting to know a lot of members this way. I'm really enjoying it actually!

Also, another fun thing that's in the works is that I've been asked to play piano for the district conference, so we've met up in another city to practice the choir. It'll be really fun, and its always fun to hang around with other missionaries from the zone.

love you all, have a great week!

Elder Jenkins

Monday, October 28, 2019

elections were on Sunday, and while missionaries aren't allowed to talk about politics, but just for your information, this is the new president and vice president of Argentina... 馃槗

Monday, October 21, 2019

weekly letter - Cosquin

I had a good week, lots of fun things, I like it a lot here, granola is tasty and the mountain was pretty, look at the pictures. Loves!

Elder Jenkins
we bought lots of granola for breakfast

my new agenda

cosqu铆n sign

spooky house

cool view

took a picture by some water with flash on and it looks like stars i guess

on the way to Pan de Azucar with my old comp Ortega

on top

the boys

the cross on top of Pan de Azuca

Monday, October 14, 2019

under one of the bridges at cosqu铆n river

Vidal and me

I've been playing lots of chess with Elder Naegle, and he normally beats me, but this time he refused to let my knight go sooooooo (I'm black)

it rained and filled up the river

hammock boys

the week my man - Cosquin

Working here in Cosqu铆n, it's been great. It's getting kinda hot here, but just yesterday it started raining and cooled it all down again, who knows what's happening honestly. 

We found out transfers this week, all of us here in Cosqu铆n will be staying here for 7 more weeks at least, so that's good, I wasn't ready to leave.

Not gonna lie, a few things got me down this week, the work's been hard, then other general problems were just starting to get to me, but THANK GOODNESS that the Lord is always there to pick you back up, through the Spirit and through other people. The other boys in the apartment all got hyped up together and now we're ready to roll for this new transfer! Trust the Lord to help you get through your trials, even if they don't get taken away. He'll help you have joy and the eternal perspective needed to get through it!

Elder Jenkins

Monday, October 7, 2019

la conferencia fue buenazo, o no? y s铆 - Cosquin

I LOVED the General Conference this weekend. I think it was my favorite one I've ever listened to. The other gringos and I got to watch it in English in the secretary room of the chapel.

I really did love it, and instead of going piece by piece, I'll just share with you my new Conference tradition, which is compiling the themes I see from Conference into one statement that symbolizes what I learned:

"I can receive revelation to bless my lives and others, and trust in God to help me avoid disguised attacks from Satan, have joy through afflictions, and become disciples of Christ as we place Him at the center of our lives."

Conference is awesome, I love the Gospel, you should love it too, have a good week

Elder Jenkins
some morning mate with milk

big burger from Burger M谩s

got a haircut this week and it says this on the wall, it means "Better to arrive late than to arrive ugly"

Saw my son Elder Miliotto at the multizone conference

Watching the General Conference (in English) with my fellow gringos

the new hammock setup outside the apartment, great view of the mountains, super lit.