Monday, June 24, 2019

Frolf - General La Madrid

Phenomenal week. For reals. I've loved getting to know Capital a bit better, and the area is fantastic, so much great work to do, the church is a lot more established, so its a lot easier to have help from the ward. I really am loving it.

There are a boatload of things I could talk about from this week, like how I'm loving spending time with my new comp Elder Oyarzabal, how our new apartment is huge with two orange trees with super tasty oranges that we can eat for free, and more, but I want to focus on the best part of this week, a BAPTISM!!!

I met this girl on my second day here, and her situation was this: The area where she lives is super duper poor, but there's a TON of kids, and a lot of them are interested in the church, which is great. We go with members to go pick them up every Sunday. One girl is 10 years old, her older brother was baptized earlier this month, and she's been taking the lessons for 3 months now. The problem was that she was very afraid of messing up on the baptismal interview, so she refused to take it when the zone leaders had come earlier to do it, which is a real bummer. 

Anyways, Oyarzabal and I went to the villa, and started getting to know everyone, including this girl. I could tell that she was ready for baptism, and we set an appointment the next day to come with a zone leader to do the interview. When we came the next day, she kept walking away and refused to have the interview, which was a real bummer, so we tried a more subtle approach, just talking normal with her and her friends. We bonded more and more, talking about whatever, and me showing my magic tricks (they're pretty good) and eventually, after 2 hours of talking, she agreed to do the interview, and passed with flying colors! EYYYYYYYY honestly a miracle from what Oyarzabal tells me of the situation before. We set everything up for the baptism on Sunday, and a member baptized her after the regular meetings! So so so awesome. I've only been here a little bit, but I already feel like I've grown really close to her and the other kids in the villa. They remind me a lot of the kids I met in India. They have almost nothing, even their family situation is kinda sucky, but they're so full of love and willing to be your friend without even getting to know you. So sweet.

All in all, I'm absolutely loving it here in General La Madrid. Seriously, I'm so blessed to be able to work here with Elder Oyarzabal. 

You guys are the best, have a great week! Read the scriptures, say your prayers, go to church, because God loves you and wants to give you blessings!

Elder Jenkins

Pretty sunrise from the pension view


With the kiddos, then two shmucks up front

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Finally in the Argentina CORDOBA Mission - General La Madrid

Wow a lot happened this week, but the most exciting would be leaving Dean Funes to go to my new area! I spent the week working, and after a long long wait, we found out that I would be leaving to go to the area General La Madrid, which is sitting in Cordoba Capital! super super cool, and Im super excited. Im writing this email on my first day but I already love it here. I love cities in general, and there's so much to do, lots of people to teach! it'll be awesome. BUT it was sad leaving Dean Funes. I thought I was super ready to leave, but then saying goodbye to some of the families was real hard. its all good though, my son Elder Miliotto will take good care of them. My new companion is Elder Oyarzabal, from Uruguay, and he has the same amount of time in the mission as Elder Miliotto, and he seems way cool. All in all, Im super stoked for this transfer, with a change of pace from Dean Funes.

Last week we had a conference of the whole mission to listen to Elder Whitney Clayton of the Seventy, so I got to see all my old friends, I took pics with each of my companions up until now, which could be the last time I see them all in one place, because Elder Bingham finishes the mission soon. 

I don't have much else to say, but I have a lot of pictures, and I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about my new area next week! love you guys, peace out!
Elder Kotter

Elder Farfal

Elder Bingham

Elder Oliveira

My new agenda

Saying bye to the Luna family

Saying bye to part of the Moran family 

Saying bye to the other part of the Moran family

Saying goodbye to my son, Elder Miliotto, this morning

My new companion Elder Oyarzabal from Uruguay

Saying goodbye to the Sisterna Family

Saying bye to Maria and her family

Saying bye to the Avila family

Monday, June 10, 2019

Ravioli ravioli - Dean Funes

Give me the formuoli, man oh man it has been a long week, but a good one for sure. We spent more time outside our area than in it this past week for all the traveling for conferences, and we have another conference tomorrow with Elder Whitney Clayton, which should be great.

Also just so you all know, my P days from now on are on Monday, so Ill email every Monday now! 

The multizone conference was really good, but pretty sad too, because it was our last conference with our current mission president, Presidente Correa from Chile. We'll be changing this next transfer, next week. 

Not much more to talk about, but we talked a lot about attitude in the conference, and its important to know that attitude can change everything! it affects your effort, actions, and therefore, the outcome. Have a good attitude and accomplish your dreams!馃挭馃帍馃弲

Have a great week!

Elder Jenkins


Argentine money collection

My favorite parts are the little animals on
the back of some of the bills.

Today we went to the longest dam
in South America, pretty cool.

Pastry filled with Dulce de Leche,
cost me the equivalent of less than 50 cents,
and the pic is of it half eaten.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mind like a Diamond - Dean Funes

Hey everyone, Im writing a day early because this week is crazy, long story short, we´re going to be spending 4 days out of our area for different conferences and stuff so sorry but this wont be a long email, I got stuff to do! We spent this week finding a lot of new people, we saw a lot of miracles, and had some fun experiences. I like the days where we have a set plan, but I also like putting our confidence in the Lord and the Spirit to guide us to where we need to go to help us in the work when we don't have a plan. Remember, you can always trust in the Lord. He's the only person who always completes with His end of the deals He makes with us. "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." Everyone try your best to put your trust in the Lord, and do your part in the work!

Speaking of which, I have in invitation for all of you. We've been inviting all the members here to do a certain plan, and we're doing it too as a mission, and I wanted to pass it along. This plan revolves around a promise made to all the members of the Church by a general authority. The promise is this. Make a list of friends or family who aren't members of the church, 5 people at least. Then, for 21 days in a row, pray for them by name, every morning and night. The promise is that if you do this, by the time you complete the 21 days, at least one of those people will be ready to listen to the Gospel from the missionaries. IT IS A PROMISE FROM THE LORD, AND WE HAVE SEEN MIRACLES FROM THIS. IT WORKS. I invite you all to try out this plan, and if not this plan, do something to spread the Gospel wherever you are! Love ya, seeya later

Elder Jenkins
Our unofficial pet dog that lives outside our pension
that we call Mate Cocido, even though he's
technically named Tupac. I'm still not sure which I like better.

street sign of my first two areas

Great street art.