Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Last email - home

I’m home!

I never wrote a last email explaining what happened, so I’ll summarize it here. Basically, after 2.5 weeks in strict quarantine, the church arranged for all the North American missionaries to leave the country. It  was a long process, but they took us in a huuuuuge yellow truck to Córdoba, we stayed a night there with all the other gringos and president, then in the morning, we said goodbye to Córdoba. We headed on a bus to Buenos Aires, where we stayed up all night playing games and seeing people I knew from other Argentine missions (Sam Graff). We left early in the morning to the airport, spent a while waiting, but we got it all figured out and got on a plane to head straight to Salt Lake City. And that was it!

The mission was an unforgettable experience. I honestly learned to much within the last year and a half. Even though it got cut short, that time was very precious to me. It was a time that I could grow closer to Christ by better understanding His doctrine, and I was able to meet so many great people that have helped me become a better person. Missions are the best!

Love you all,
Dal Jenkins
Salt Lake Airport after days of travelling
April 4, 2020

All my family together

home sweet home