Tuesday, July 30, 2019

transfers and goodbyes and sunrises - General La Madrid

Crazy and long but good week!

We had multizone conference this week, which was great cuz I got to see some of my old companions, plus it was the first conference of the new mission president, so that was fun. However, it was sad too, because this was the last conference of one of my old comps, Elder Bingham, who was with me in Catamarca. He's the first of my comps to finish the mission. He's on his way home as I'm writing this email. Good guy, if any of you are going to BYU, you'll have to say hi from Elder Jenkins:)

This week was also transfers, and my comp Elder Oyarzabal got assigned to a new area, Santa Ana, so a lot of this week was spent saying goodbye. We visited a few families, and ate some great dinners. 

Earlier today we left to the terminal to meet up with all the missionaries, where I dropped off Elder Oyarzabal, and picked up my new companion from Chile, Elder Ortega. He's from the same group as Oyarzabal and my hijo Elder Miliotto, so I've already gotten to know him a bit from before, he's a cool guy, I think we'll get along great.

Hope you all have a great week, find ways to help those around you! Every morning, ask God who needs your help, and pray for the ability to find that person and follow through with the prompting!

Elder Jenkins
Book of Mormon pic with Elder Kotter, Elder Lucker, and Presidente Hintze

Bye Elder Bingham

appreciated sunrise on Sunday

cool flag wall art

the catheral in centro

my new agenda

very small dog

my new comp from Chile, Elder Ortega

al agua

Monday, July 22, 2019

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - General La Madrid

Good week. Dont have much to tell but here's a quick spiritual thought!

I really liked reading this scripture the other day, Ether 12:41 

And now, I would commend you to aseek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth brecord of them, may be and abide in you forever.  

I really like that it says to "seek Jesus" and I started thinking about ways we can "seek Jesus" to be filled with the grace of God. Reading scriptures, going to church, praying, the classic answers, but they're true, especially if you do it with the purpose of trying to "seeking Jesus." Everyone find ways to "seek Jesus" this week!

Love ya´ll, have a good week.
With my boy Elder Kotter. 2nd and 3rd last pics in the draft, you know what's up.

We played soccer with a ton of other missionaries earlier today.

try to find me in the picture

Monday, July 15, 2019

Baptism! - General La Madrid

wowza what a great week!

The biggest highlight of the week is we had a baptism! This girl is the first one of hopefully her whole family to get baptized. She's eleven years old and knows a ton, she always remembers the names of the missionaries, even when she's only met them once. She even asks and remembers their first names! Even though I convinced her that my first name is actually Elder

Her baptism was really special, a whole ton of relatives came, none of which are members. It was a great opportunity to get to know them. A member took the photos so I'll send those as soon as I get them! It was a really great time though.

Not too much other news, played volleyball with the zone today, also went to an all you can eat restaurant. 

For a great spiritual scripture, read Alma 36. Its a great story about repentance, and shows the effect that Christ can have in our lives if we choose to call upon Him and seek His help! Read the Book of Mormon!

Elder Jenkins
nice lunch with some of the zone at an all you can eat place

goofy pic of the week featuring weird glasses that I found in a box in our apartment

Monday, July 8, 2019

Time to invade the Fire Nation - General La Madrid

Crazy and awesome week. first and foremost, this week a solar eclipse passed through Argentina and from my area we saw it at 98% totality and it was awesome. Different that a total solar eclipse, but still really interesting. I'm super lucky I got to see it. I thought about the scripture where Alma says that "all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." its true, I cant imagine that everything that happens happens just because.

Other highlight from this week is that we finally had our Noche de Cine activity (ward movie night) in support of missionary work. We've been planning this activity with our mission leader for a while, hoping that we would get a lot of new people to come, and we ended up with about 85 people, 20 of which aren't members. It was such a huge success and everyone had such a great time. Plus I got to catch some of How To Train Your Dragon 3 so that's cool. Bendiciones. 

I hope you all have a great week, God loves you, and will give you more blessings that you can believe for your obedience to the commandments and if you ask him for help! Pray, Read, and Go to Church!

Elder Jenkins
It's impossible to show the eclipse through my camera, but you can see the reflection of it underneath the horizon from the camera glare or idk how it works but this pic was taken at 5:30 in the afternoon and it was super dark and cold and awesome.

The eclipse made our shadows look weird where parts are crisp and parts are blurry

I fell down the other day playing cops and robbers with some kids and got absolutely wrecked by la tierra. I'll spare you guys the picture of my hand that got shredded (you can kinda see my left hand) but just appreciate the amount of dirt. 

We passed by the temple when we visited the mission office one day this week

My lego collection. thanks mom.

some pics from ward movie night

Me with two of the kids from the villa, that place is the coolest

Monday, July 1, 2019

Jugo de Naranja - General La Madrid

Another great week here in Barrio General Lamadrid! I'll keep this short not because I don't have time but just cuz I don't feel like writing very much. Honesty is the best policy.

Highlights from this week:
Making homemade orange juice from the oranges growing in front of our house
Camila was confirmed a member of the church wooooooo!
We had an activity in the church and a ton of people came to play futbol and board games

Quick spiritual thought: at the end of Alma 31, it talks about how Alma received lots of blessings because he "prayed with faith". but its not until the start of Alma 32 that you understand what that means. The first thing he does is he goes out and starts preaching. He gets right to work. Faith isn't waiting around for the blessings to come to you, its using the resources you have, trusting in God that he'll help you accomplish what needs to be done. 

All is swell, All is swell, Hallelujah America happy 4th of july

Elder Jenkins
Orange Juice done

The zone