Monday, February 24, 2020

first week in La RIoja (kinda)

I say kinda because we ended up spending a lot of it in Córdoba.

After P-day in La Rioja, we left at midnight to go to Córoba for Concilio de Líderes. The Area Seventy Elder De Hoyos was there to give insight as well. It was really great, I learned a lot about how to teach more effectively, and the Spirit gave me answers to a lot of questions I had about how to improve as a missionary.

Since we live over 5 hours away, and there was going to be a conference with (almost) the whole mission the next day, President told us to just stay the night in the mission home so we could attend. Before the night time, I took advantage of being close and visited some people from one of my past areas. We slept in the mission home, then went to the conference the next day. It was fun to see lots of familiar faces there!

After another midnight ride back to La Rioja, I could finally get to work! We got blessed with some cool weather in this notoriously hot part of Argentina. But holy cow, BIKES. This is my first area that has bikes, and at first I was stoked. But who would've guessed that a broken pedal, a seat as hard as a rock, and leg muscles that haven't been used in 1.5 years would make bike riding a pretty miserable experience! I'm grateful for it though, it makes the work a lot more effective, even if it makes my poor bum a little sore:)

I've met some great people here, and the La Rioja vibe is really cool. I've always loved being far away from the hustle of Cordoba Capital and the tranquility of La Rioja is really awesome. 

We didn't have much time to work this week, lots of getting organized and meetings, but overall I'm super excited to be here!

As I walked down from the stand after the sacrament on Sunday (I was playing the piano) the counselor in the bishopric told me I'd be giving a talk, so as soon as I sat down in my seat I got called right back up to speak :) Unplanned talks are not too uncommon here in Argentina. I started by presenting myself, and then talked about my favorite topic, The Atonement. Seriously, I'm so so grateful for the Atonement. I don't think any of us can fully understand how special that act of service was, but to think that Jesus Christ, the most powerful being to ever live on this planet, would suffer every kind of pain and affliction to give us the chance to overcome our difficulties is incredible. There's nothing that makes me feel closer to my Savior than studying and thinking about that sacrifice. I really am so grateful for it. I invite you all to do the same, remember Christ and His Atonement, study about it, especially in the Book of Mormon, because so many truths regarding the Atonement were restored in that Book. Always look for ways to appreciate that sacrifice more and to grow closer to Christ and to follow His example! Love you!

Elder Jenkins
after the conference I said hi to Familia Urquiza, a great family from General Lamadrid (2 areas ago)

sleeping in the mission home with a perfect view of the temple!

free hot water for mate

Add caption

sipping from our new matermos

Canvax hamburgers



cool statue

Elder Corgiat taught me how to make bracelets

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


it was transfers this last week, and I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! It was super sad leaving Cosquín (I had been there for 6 months!), but I'm stoked to now be in La Rioja! My mission consists of 3 different provinces, Córdoba (where most of the mission is), Catamarca (where I started my mission), and La Rioja (where I'm at now). I got the trifecta! This province is well known for being HOT. SO SO HOT. Seriously though, my first day it was toooooooastyyyyy and they said it was a calmer day. Today, a storm came in (which NEVER happens here) so it's a cool day today, but everyone tells me I need to buckle up. 

Another great thing is that my new companion is Elder Corgiat, who I've known since I started in Catamarca. Also in this zone are familiar faces Elders Singley, León, and my trainer Elder Farfal! It'll be a good transfer, and there is a LOT of work to be done. The people have already been so open and nice!

I'll send some cool pics I have from the week, it's been pretty great.

This week I've really loved studying the topic of the Savior's atonement and repentance (I hope you are all reading Ven Sigueme (Come Follow Me)). In my farewell talk in Cosquín I talked about the story of Alma the Younger. A wicked dude, lots of trouble, against everything the church stood for. However, after his encounter with an angel of the Lord, the was left motionless and speechless for 3 days. At the end of that time, he awoke and proclaimed that he had repented and that God and Christ exist and love us, and then went on to become a great missionary. He talks later about his experience (Alma 36), and one part always stands out to me. 

17 And it came to pass that as I was thus aracked with torment, while I was bharrowed up by the cmemory of my many sins, behold, I dremembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world.
18 Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, ahave mercy on me, who am bin the cgall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting dchains of edeath.
19 And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my apains bno more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
20 And oh, what ajoy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.
Alma's conversion and repentance all began with the simple act of remembering the Savior and His sacrifice, then calling upon his name for forgiveness. That turned all his sorrow and pain into joy and light.
The same can happen in our lives! If any of you are "racked with torment" or feel pain because of your sins, remember Christ! He is there and real and He loves you! Ask Him for forgiveness, and you can feel the same sweetness and joy as Alma did. I testify of that!

Love you all, have a great week!

Elder Jenkins
Birthday Party

Birthday Party

new agenda (baptism of Christ and Alma the younger)

riverside with Naegle

birthday lunch! It was Natasha's birthday too, so we celebrated together. Love that family!

Party boy

A great family from Cordoba Capital stopped by to wish me a happy birthday and give me some cake!

tasty dinner
Goodbyes to some great people

copy and paste clouds on the way to La Rioja

Monday, February 10, 2020

like, zoinks - Cosquin

solid week.

It's been crazy getting everything situated, since we lost a lot of time and organization in the last week of Elder Chagas and the first week of Elder Naegle back in Cosquín. It's been super fun though. we're rekindling all the good times we had 3 months ago when I was here with him, Elder Vidal, and Elder Christensen. Good times. 

This week was the week of Cosquín Rock, a huge music festival. I thought it was going to make the work difficult because it would all be packed (and that it would make me trunky cuz if you know ANYTHING about me I freaking love concerts), but honestly the whole town was pretty dead, everyone was all packed in the little pueblo right by Cosquín where they do the actual festival. We walked by there one day, and holy cow it was poppin. So many people from all over, and most of them drunk:) We got through as quick as possible and headed home.

I don't have many stories from the week, but if you want to read some GREAT SCRIPTURES, read Doctrine and Covenants 84. ALL OF IT. ESPECIALLY IF YOURE A MISSIONARY OR FUTURE MISSIONARY. My favorite part is when it talks about repentance. We need to repent, and as we show our repentance through our actions, God helps us accomplish what he needs us to do. Just read the chapter, its so good.

love ya
Elder Jenkins
moon mood

lovely lunch

wavy water

facturas from Plunder's right before they told us to leave cuz you need to pay extra to sit at the tables

Cosquín Rock


Cosquín Rock




Monday, February 3, 2020

unexpected change in companion

What a wild ride of a week.

SO. I didn't really write last week cuz there was a lot of stuff going on, but here's the story.

Last week, we were eating lunch with a member family, when out of nowhere, my companion Elder Chagas passes out, then starts having a seizure. He had told me that he had one other seizure in his mission, so it wasn't surprising, but it was still really scary. The seizure lasted about 8 seconds, then we helped him lie down, and within 10 minutes he felt fine. We called the mission president's wife, and she said that it would be good to go to Córdoba to get him checked (1.5 hour trip).

We went to Córdoba, had him checked, they said they couldn't find anything, but that he should do another test the next week. We slept that night in the mission home, because it was already late. We went back to Cosquín the next day, thought it was all good.

The next day, we got a call from president. He told Chagas that the area rule is that if a missionary has 2 seizures in the mission, they need to go home until they figure out what's wrong. He said that on Saturday he would need to go home, and that if in 3 months he had medication and didn't have a seizure, he could come back to finish the 3 months he had left.

It was really sad, and we were holding onto some hope that Chagas would be able to stay, but at the end of the week, he did have to go. :(

I was sad about the whole situation, Chagas and I got along really well, but I've talked to him, and it seems like he's doing well. I'll update you all on if he gets to come back in 3 months, but in the meantime, please pray for him and that he'll be able to return.

In other news, I was left without a companion and with 2 weeks to go in the transfer, so...

to my GREAT surprise, my new companion is... ELDER NAEGLE!!! If you don't remember, he was my zone leader here in Cosquín when I was in Cosquín 2 (He was in Cosquín 1, then left, and now we're both in Cosquín 1.) Haha a crazy turn of events, but I'm so glad that Chagas's replacement is someone that I already know and get along great with! Elder Naegle is one of my best pals in the mission, so even though we might only be together for the 2 weeks that we have left of this transfer, I'm really excited to make the most of it :)

WELL. There's the long and short of it, just wanted to quickly end this email with a quick spiritual thought saying that I LOVE THE CHURCH AND THE BOOK OF MORMON. I'm reading the Book of Mormon with the Ven, Sigueme manual, and it's helped me get so much more out of reading than normal. Be like Nephi, and "liken all scriptures unto [yourself], that it might be for [your] profit and learning." (1 Nephi 19:23)

love you all!

Elder Jenkins
my old comp Elder Oliveira goes home in 2 weeks!

La Zona Punilla (Best zone)

Elder Chagas buying a tie with spare change

I Love Córdoba with the Elders Hatch (from the MTC!) and Larraín

party bois

Elder Chagas got to baptize on his last day of the mission! 

back with the man Elder Naegle, its ya boi

asado with the boys