Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Egg - Dean Funes

Well what a week it's been am I right?

I have a super great video with my companion, but it's taking a while to load, I'll send the link if it finishes. Paciencia馃槵

As I'm sure at least most of you know, it was Easter Sunday, which is awesome. Here in Argentina they take Thursday to Sunday off of work and school for Semana Santa (Holy Week) but mainly just to sleep. We as missionaries had a great time though. It felt like naturally all of our lessons became more and more focused on the sacrifice of Christ and His resurrection. It was a really edifying week for me, I've felt more gratitude than ever for Christ and everything He's done for us. 

This week we also had a multi-zone conference, it was awesome as always, especially because we were able to have 4 generations of trainers together. Elder Gingles, Elder Farfal, me, and Elder Miliotto. So awesome. This is Elder Gingles' last transfer, but Elder Farfal still has a year left, so we're going to see if we can get 5 generations, if my son trains, and his son trains before Farfal goes home.

We have some great stuff happening in Dean Funes, I'm absolutely loving it here with Elder Miliotto, we're working real hard, and we're really starting to see miracles from our efforts. God will help you if you ask. His arms of mercy are extended.

Love you all, hope you have a sick deans week, seeya later!

Elder Jenkins

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